Physics 6453 - Quantum Mechanics III (Nieves)
- Number of Credits: 3
- Prerequisites: Physics-6452
- Jose F Nieves
Office: C-317 (ext 4775)
University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras Campus
Department of Physics
- Quantum Field Theory by F. Mandl and G. Shaw
- Scadron, Michael D. (1979). Advanced Quantum Theory, Springer-Verlag
- Fetter A. L. and Walecka J. D. (1971). Quantum Theory of Many Particle Systems
- Peskin, Michael E. and Schroeder Daniel V. (1996). An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory, Addison Wesley
Minimum Required Facilities
- Traditional lecture room
Instructional Strategy
- Lectures
Student Evaluation
- Standard A to F grading system. Grading will depend on performance in periodic problem sets, a midterm exam and a final exam, with the following weights:
- Homework: 40%
- Midterm exam: 30%
- Final exam: 30%
By all means you may work in groups on the homework assignments. Collaboration is an important part of learning and of scholarship in general. However, each student must turn in her or his own writeup of the solutions. If two individual writeups are nearly identical, neither will receive credit. In fairness to your fellow students, late homework will not be accepted.
This is a third course in graduate quantum mechanics that builds on the material developed in Quantum Mechanics I and II. The goal is to develop and apply the methods required to study relativistic and many body quantum mechanical systems particles and fields.
After completing this course the student will have a good background to carry out relativistic and many-body theory calculations in systems of practical interest.
- Systems of identical particles
- The simple harmonic oscillator
- Bosons and fermions
- Examples in Statistical Mechanics, ideal gas
- Quantum theory of radiation
- Classical electrodynamics
- Quantization of the EM field
- Radiative decays in atoms and Thomson scattering
- Fields
- Covariant classical electrodynamics
- Classical field theory
- Spin
- Second quantization of the Schrodinger equation: bosons and fermions
- Examples in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Statistics
- Relativistic wave equations
- Klein-Gordon equation
- Weyl equation
- Dirac equation
- Proca equation
- Relativistic Free-field Theory
- Klein-Gordon field
- Dirac Field
- Photon field
- Propagator
- Interacting fields
- Perturbation theory
- Wick's theorem
- Feynman rules