University of Puerto Rico Date: 8/20/2018
Rio Piedras Campus
Faculty of Natural Sciences
Department of Physics
Research Seminar: Electronic structure and
PHYS 6995-072
Prof. Julian Velev
Natural Sciences II, C-346
Phone: (787) 764-0000 ext. 88484
credits: 3 credits
period: 3 hours per week by arrangement
Location: C-346
hours: Tuesday & Thursday, 13:00-14:00
Course objective: The goal of the course is
that the student becomes familiar with a research topic/project and develop
proficiency in the research methodology. The research performed by the student
is expected to contribute towards the terminal degree.
Course description: This purpose of the seminar
is to introduce the students to the modern methods for the calculation of the
electronic structure of molecules and solids, in particular,
first-principles methods based on density functional theory. In
addition, the students will learn about the formalism to calculate charge and
spin current through nanoscale devices. They will be introduced to scientific
computation and remote computing.
Prerequisites: The students must show excellent understanding of the core
Physics curriculum, in particular, Quantum Mechanics
and Condensed Matter Physics. The students must also be proficient in computer
Bibliography: Research papers which vary depending on the project.
Teaching methods: This is a research course.
The research is performed by the student independently under the supervision of
the advisor.
Grading: The grading will be based on the successful completion of
the assigned research project. The grading system is as follows PS, PN, PB, NP.
Week |
Topics |
1 |
A research
project is outlined in a discussion with the student. Reading is assigned. |
2-5 |
The student is
expected to study the literature and master the methodology required for the
completion of the project. After the initial familiarization with the project
the student is assigned task to carry out towards to completion of the
project. |
6-9 |
The student
performs the tasks to complete the project objectives. The student reports
weekly on his/her progress. The results are discussed and further reading and tasks are assigned. If necessary additional
meetings can be arranged with the student. After the second four-week period
preliminary results are assessed. |
10-13 |
The preliminary
results are discussed and further areas of
improvement and further development are outlined. |
14-15 |
At the end of
the semester it is expected that the student has completed the research
assignment and has demonstrated understanding of the research methodology and
familiarity with the research topic. A final
presentation is prepared and given summarizing the results of the research. |
Resources: Access to research journal
is make available to the student through the UPR library system (
The necessary computing resources are available to the student through the UPR
High Performance Computing facility (
Special provisions: The student should perform
the research at his/her own schedule. The student should attend the meetings
with the supervisor and inform him of the project progress on weekly basis. If
circumstances require it some of the research work can be shifted from one
period to the next on the student’s discretion provided that the project
objectives are accomplished.
Academic integrity: The University of Puerto
Rico promotes the highest standards of academic and scientific integrity. Article
6.2 of the UPR Students General Bylaws (Board of Trustees Certification 13,
2009-2010) states that academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to:
fraudulent actions; obtaining grades or academic degrees by false or fraudulent
simulations; copying the whole or part of the academic work of another person;
plagiarizing totally or partially the work of another person; etc. Any of these
behaviors will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the
disciplinary procedure laid down in the UPR Students General Bylaws.