Mete 4006 - Meteorologia Descriptiva (Alvarez)
Meteorology for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd edition, Roland B. Stull
Class Participation (10% of grade). Students are expected to always attend
and participate through the contribution of in-class exercises that
they should be able to complete.
Class Quizzes (10% of grade): There will be 2 short, in-class quizzes
during the term. Thesewill be based entirely on the required reading
and lectures. The lowest quiz grade will be discarded.
Midterm Exam (40% of grade): This will be a midterm exam scheduled on
Wednesday, March 25th. It will include the first eight topics.
Date subject to adjustment.
Final Exam (40% of grade): The final exam covers the material of
the 2nd half of the course, and is currently scheduled for
Wednesday, May 6 th at 5:30 to 7:30 pm.
First Exam
- Atmospheric Composition and Structure
- Radiation
- Heat and Temperature
- Heat imbalances and Weather
- Air Pressure
- Humidity and Stability
- Dew, Frost, Fog and Clouds
- Precipitation, Weather Modification, Atmospheric Optics
Second Exam
- The wind
- Global Scale Circulation
- Synoptic Scale Weather
- Local and Regional Circulations
- Thunderstorms, tornadoes, hurricanes
- Weather Analysis and Forecasting
Other weather related themes like El Niño, La Niña,
and The North Atlantic Oscillation.